At Widden, we want all children to experience the brilliance of Mathematics and develop a sense of curiosity about the subject. Our school values are based on integrity, diversity and community. With children in the community coming from diverse experiences and backgrounds, we still believe that all children can experience success in Mathematics. Using the small steps from White Rose Maths as the vehicle for our curriculum, mathematics is taught for secure and deep understanding of the National Curriculum. We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning, promoting the growth mind-set to their lessons. Challenge is provided through rich and sophisticated problem solving as opposed to acceleration through new content. Our aspirational curriculum ensures that children will be ready and prepared to move onto the next Key Stage.
In Maths lessons, we look for children to become secure with their substantive knowledge (number facts and times tables) to enhance their disciplinary knowledge (ability to reason and problem solve). We are committed to inclusivity, ensuring that disadvantaged children, including those with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND), receive tailored support. This is achieved through carefully designed adaptations, effective scaffolding and the use of manipulatives, allowing all learning to engage meaningfully with mathematical principles.