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Widden Primary School


At Widden, the R.E. curriculum is based on the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. It is taught discretely every 2 weeks and ensures a broad R.E. curriculum where our pupils explore a range of religious and non-religious views. Throughout their school life, children build upon their knowledge and understanding of different religions, including Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism. This is done by providing learning experiences in RE that will inspire, enthuse and motivate children in their exploration of religion and allow them to have meaningful opportunities to enable them to dig deeper into the key questions that concern religions and faith. Children will then hopefully gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to reflect on and handle their own questions and ideas raised by religion and belief in their future lives.

As our school enjoys a diverse culture, children will frequently discuss their beliefs, knowledge and experiences with each other and share how they celebrate significant events and festivals. This is encouraged throughout the school. Children are also encouraged to ask and answer questions about each other's beliefs and experiences and compare them with their own. Every opportunity is taken to appreciate and value the richness of the different faiths and cultures that are at Widden School.

Christmas Nativity songs in the Nursery.

Reception Calendar counting down the days to Eid.

Year 1 learning about Christianity.

Year 1 children learning about Muslim Prayer Mats.

Year 2 creating Advent Candles at Christmas.

Eid Day April 2023 

Diwali Dance Workshop