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Widden Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome to Year 4! We are so excited to work with you this year and are looking forward to all of the amazing learning that we will share together.

Our first topic is ‘Time Travellers’, where we will travel back in time to some of the earliest civilisations and learn about how they have impacted our lives and society today. In writing we will be studying 3 amazing texts. They are:

  1. Aladdin and The Enchanted Lamp by Phillip Pullman

  2. A Street Through Time by Steve Noon

  3. Into the Forest by Anthony Browne

Our PE days this term are Wednesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Children are expected to come in their PE kits on these days. Our PE kit is black joggers or shorts, a plain white t-shirt and green school jumper as usual. Please ensure your child has trainers that are suitable for movement to ensure safety whilst participating.

Please also ensure that your child brings a water bottle and their reading book to school every day.

If you need to contact us at any time, please use dojo in the first instance. We are also available on email to help you further:

Mrs Thompson (Bushby Class) -

Mr Bennett (Morpurgo Class) -

Other Information

Please ensure that children do not bring unnecessary items to school. Ideally, children should only bring the following items to school: 


Fruit or vegetable for healthy snack at play time

Lunch box 

Water bottle

Home reading book